Friday, February 17, 2006

Goodbye Philip Cortelyou Johnson

Fittingly held at Yale, this weekend will witness the farewell symposium for the late "Dean of American Architects," Philip Johnson. The keynote will be tonight, but a pre-emptive talk was held yesterday at the MoMA, where Jeff Kipnis and Terrance Riley spoke about the man and his legend. There will be plenty of opportunities to air the complaints, but tonight in respectful memory, DYWSC? presents this quote from Kipnis at the event, full of shared, envious, admiration...
"Philip's life is the easiest life in the world to talk about. In fact, Philip's life is so easy to talk about that you begin to realize that the content of the average life is probably… it might average one-to-a-person. In fact, some people live 10, 15 lives while all the rest of us live 1/10th of a life. With Philip that's possible, and that's why he's a legend and will always be a legend."


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