Architecture is hard to understand. Noble minds and smart people have advanced its debate in spite of their abilities. The observations, notices, and insights recorded here are to help the rest of us understand what's going on. Sometimes its a lot of hype, other times its pretty inspiring.
Tuesday, December 20, 2005
Snow Show 2006
The winter of 2005/2006 will start on the 21st of December, 2005, at 1:35 PM EST (18:35 GMT). It will end, and spring will start, on the 20th of March, 2006, at 1:26 PM EST (18:26 GMT). In celebration of today's importance, DYWSC? turns it's attention to the upcoming 2006 Snow Show, this year featuring the talents of Sir Norman Foster, Tod Williams & Billie Tsien, Lebbeus Woods, and many more. Flipping through the "Previous Snow Shows" is at worst an amusing way to spend a few minutes and at best an affirming look at what play and inventiveness architects still bring to such a well examined material. Happy Winter everybody.
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