Monday, April 03, 2006

People Talking About Architecture – 04.03.2006

Yale University:
Werner Sobek - Archi-neering the Future
6:30 PM – Hastings Hall (180 York Street)

Princeton University:
Ryue Nishizawa - Recent Work
6:00 PM - Betts Auditorium
Principle of Sanaa Ltd., and Kazuyo Sejima Ryue Nishizawa & Associates and Princeton's Jean Labatut Visiting Professor will deliver a close-to-home-turf lecture.

Harvard University:
Ricky Burdett – (Untitled Lecture)
6:00 PM - Gund Hall, Piper Auditorium

Washington University:
Bill Valentine – (Untitled Lecture)
7:00 PM - Steinberg Auditorium
The Chairman of, Design Principal at, and 43-year veteran of HOK, will advocate for sustainability and promote his definition of "good design" as a simple idea, elegantly executed and inspiring, with social significance and in harmony with the environment.

New Jersey Institute of Technology
Andrew MacNair - Not Architecture and Egg City
5:45 PM - Weston Lecture Hall 1

University of Illinois at Chicago:
Martin Fischer – (Untitled Lecture)
6:00 PM - 1100 A+A Building


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